Remember the good old days of role-playing, when every party carried a ten foot pole, you assumed every chest was a mimic, and the finale of every campaign was an apocalyptic battle against a demon prince at the gates of the Abyss? Well those days are back! On this podcast, we don’t waste our time with cookie cutter scenarios, ho-hum campaign settings, or NPCs asking you to kill the rats in their cellar. No! Each episode is 100% old-school high adventure, with monsters spawned in a nightmare, traps straight out of Grimtooth’s, and chaos portals that could hurl you into a thousand insane worlds. This is Mighty Deeds! Mighty Deeds is a podcast of high adventure. Whether you like Dungeon Crawl Classics, Dungeons and Dragons, or any brand of old school actual play podcasts, give Mighty Deeds a try. https://www.patreon.com/MightyDeedsPod https://www.instagram.com/MightyDeedsPod/ Dungeon Crawl Classics, DCC, OSR, Old School Roleplay, Actual Play https://goodman-games.com/ https://www.icrpg.com/ Original music by: https://www.reverbnation.com/joeyhodge Original artwork by: https://instagram.com/cubiclebarbarian?igshid=1hayvcacick1b

Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Mighty Deeds S1 E4 - Into the Catacombs
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
Tuesday Sep 22, 2020
The body count rises as the party descends into the cursed crypts below Castle Ravenloft.

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Mighty Deeds S1 E3 - Lief Lipsiege
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
The party continues the character funnel as they explore the haunted castle. Rash decisions lead to a tight situation in the episode of mighty Deeds

Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Mighty Deeds S1 E2 - Castle Ravenloft
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
Sunday Sep 20, 2020
The villagers of Barovia have their torches and pitchforks, and are headed to the haunted castle. Will any survive the horrors of Castle Ravenloft?

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Mighty Deeds S1 E1 - Yes, in a Tavern
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
The inaugural episode of the new campaign starts in, of all places, a tavern. But it's not what what you expect! With no band of fledgling adventurers to bail the town out of its troubles, the villagers must confront the haunted castle THEMSELVES!
Meet the characters in this first episode of Mighty Deeds.